Personal Auto | Individuals & Families | auto insurance | Learning Center | covid19 | coronavirus | individuals and families
Corin Cook
January 10th, 2023
If you're at all like us, you likely have a car in your garage or driveway that isn't currently getting a lot of attention. Whether it is due to seasonal downtime, traveling, working remotely, or even a pandemic - you may think it is fine to give a car a break and come back to the same as you left it. However, this may not be the case.
Business Insurance | business | Learning Center | coronavirus | Workers Compensation | Community | Safety Tips
Corin Cook
December 30th, 2021
By now we’ve all heard of it: the coronavirus.
Personal Auto | Individuals & Families | Business Insurance | COVID-19 | insurance discounts | Learning Center | coronavirus | individuals and families | insurance refunds | Business Auto
Corin Cook
April 17th, 2020
By now, it’s apparent that the fallout from the COVID-19 outbreak is far more significant than we imagined a few short weeks ago.
Business Insurance | COVID-19 | Learning Center | coronavirus
Corin Cook
March 26th, 2020
Effective March 24th at noon, Governor Baker of Massachusetts mandated that all non-essential businesses shut down until April 7th. As a business owner, it was the moment you’ve been fearing ever since you first heard the word “coronavirus.” It also means that today is “Day 1” of a new normal. And it’s probably a normal you aren’t excited about.